Creating Connections: Maysen’s Inspiring Progress at DayHab

At AmeriServe, we’re dedicated to providing a supportive environment where individuals can thrive. This month, we’re excited to share the remarkable progress of Maysen, a dedicated participant in our DayHab program, who has experienced incredible growth since joining us in December 2023.

Maysen’s Progress Since Joining AmeriServe

Maysen started attending AmeriServe DayHab in December 2023, initially joining us every Friday. Her time with us has been transformative, with noticeable improvements in her attitude and interactions. By August 2024, Maysen increased her attendance to twice a week, and the positive changes became even more evident.

Engaging in Activities She Loves

Maysen has developed a passion for crafting and painting, activities that allow her creativity to flourish. She also enjoys spending time at the splash pad, where her joyful spirit and sense of humor shine. Maysen’s interactions with her peers have blossomed, and she is now actively engaging in conversations, sharing jokes, and building meaningful connections with those around her.

Looking Forward to Continued Growth

Maysen’s story is a powerful example of the positive impact our DayHab program can have on individuals seeking to enhance their lives. We’re thrilled to see how far she’s come and are committed to supporting her continued success at AmeriServe.

Maysen smiling and laying on the floor at AmeriServe DayHab.

If you or someone you know could benefit from our services, we encourage you to reach out to us at AmeriServe. We’re here to help you navigate the path to success.

Contact us today at or call 712-322-0272 to learn more.